profile affiliates 09JH305! Adelia Althea Abigail Bindhu Chezzie Clara Clarice Deborah Denise Dylan Elvina Faith Filbert Hilary Isabel Ivyna JiaHui Jerone Jolene Kitchong Natalie Priscilla Sarah Shabbna Stephanie Tessa Tyn Yingjia Basecode letterbox memories November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 |
31 December 2007
{9:38 AM} okay! here i am to post about FRIDAYYY. woke up at 7.30, cos had to go for harp at 9. so walked to the bus stop, took bus. then i reached school. steph was scared to step into harp without me D: so i had to wait for her at the canteen. then she came. and we went to go practise harp! after that we did the notice board. HAHA. we messed it up quite badly. then 1pm came. and we still couldn't go yet. AND THE SENIORS STILL TOOK THEIR TIME TO TALK TO US!): and then finally we went off at 1.30. joanne had to go to buy textbooks, then go to her house. so we were badly late.D: reached city hall mrt at about 2.30 tsk. then we took bus to leisure park kallang! went to the ice skating rink. so fun! except i couldn't push anyone down. i tried pushing daniel, then i crashed into him and fell down myself. WHAT THE D: so dumb. then i tried throwing an iceball at ian then it bounced off him and split into two DDD: oh well. i don't really have much luck on the ice i suppose. after that we went to the food court for a while. then i was eating a soonkueh. :D then i DON'T KNOW WHY the whole soonkueh split apart, and the filling was on the brink of dropping on the table. then jialer joanne they all, STILL LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH so i couldn't stop laughing and in the end, i had to stuff the whole thing into my mouth i looked like a complete disaster. after that, we went bowling! the girls' scores sucked man. the highest girl couldn't beat the lowest guy. tsk! i got 50 and ian got 55. and he was the lowest guy, i the highest girl IRRITATING. anyway, i scored a strike! YAY. and after that we went to the food court for dinner. it was super fun day. the shiokest thing in the world: kimchi and i eat like a chicken. yes, really. i do. __________________________________________ 30 December 2007
{11:08 PM} ice skating was so fun! but i'm playing neopets now so you shall have to wait till i'm in the mood to post. i didn't take any photos. AW. merry christmas to one and all. and a hairy new year! __________________________________________ 25 December 2007
{2:00 PM} YEAHHAHAHAHA! sunday was our dance performance. SO COOOOOOOOOOOL. ahhhhhhhhhh, i wanna go back to sunday again. it was good lah, the dance. EXCEPT ON SATURDAY, jolene's knot couldn't be untied in time. GASP, then we were all like, OH SHIT! some more in front of the minister. then we rushed on stage and crashed into each other. I DANCED IN THE WRONG DIRECTION! embarrassing.D: sigh! then after that i took train to the BAG party. played basketball in the dark. anyway, had fun lah(: stupid distraction. HAHAA. SUNDAY! had to wake up at 6.30 cos i had to be there at 7.30, but i woke up late.D: sigh. so i reached at 8. then had to do makeup! SO WEIRD. and do hair. ALSO VERY WEIRD. then, after the worship and skit, then was our dance. then i was thinking, i wanna redo my knot in my pants. then SUDDENLY, the skit finished. and i panicked. i was like, "AHHHH! QUICK!" at least i managed to tie it on time. PHEW. then the music started, so we danced like mad lah. hannah kept making "WHOOO!" noises and i was laughing and dancing at the same time. SO LAME.hahahaha it was bucketfulls of fun!(: SO COOOL, then we had to sit through the sermon TWICE. hahaha. nevermind. it was cool. I MISS SUNDAY! haha. dance rocks lah. and so do my dance partners. __________________________________________ 20 December 2007
{2:27 PM} let's talk about YESTERDAYY! i was supposed to go for dance at 10, then i only woke up at 9. so it was 10.15 when i reached, and Hannah kai ern and sara were there. okay, so we taught sara a lot of dance steps lah. sara BALLET SO PRO(: haha. full dress rehearsal tomorrow! i'm sorta excited lah, about my first dance performance. wheeeeeeeee. then have to walk out from the aisles at the side and the centre! so coool right. how cooool is that. OKAY, THE WORD OF THE WEEK IS: COOOOOL. and that's that. practiced all the fast parts! and i had to do the group part by myself cos kyser and jolene weren't here. JOLENE AH, happily enjoying yourself in vietnam! tsk. haha. we all went to 7eleven. i bought milk tea! NICE OKAY. after dance, went to go meet izabella to go window shopping! haha. we went to raffles city and bugis. then had lunch at burger king. :D i couldn't finish the fries, then had to throw them away ! so sad. it was fun lah, we looked at everything. i saw a few things i wanted, but my parents will only let me buy with them around, don't know why. (: guess what, esther plays icy tower. whooooooooooo! __________________________________________ 17 December 2007
{8:28 PM} OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I CAN'T STAND IT! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i'm gonna get a real nervous breakdown soon. REALLY. jolene says vietnam like SO FUN! i wanna go i wanna go i wanna go LIKE MAD! i wouldn't mind getting stomach flu when i come back if i could go! AHHHHHHHHHHH SO BADLY SO BADLY SO BADLY. this really sucks lah! i miss joleneeeeeeeeeeee. tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk!! HUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. so dumbbbbbbbbbb. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh. this is really bad. REALLY BAD. okay, trashing done. __________________________________________ 16 December 2007
{9:20 PM} hello! i am here to reply tags. since i have not done it in such a LOOONNNNGG time. hilary haha. okay! i love you hil! jolene okay. good good. steph thanks! sarah hahaha thank you thank you! shabbna okay. thanks. elvina er okay. nvm. today came late for service D: cos i couldn't wake up. sigh! anyway service was nice. we learnt about jesus being the light unto this dark world. after that i accompanied janice for a while. the mama shop uncle asked: where all your friends? haha. so cute right. then after that talked with ivyna at youth room. before going to play clavvy for sunday school! haha. after that i went down for youttthh. sec 1 and 2 guys are really spaz. we had DANCE today too! we had to use the creche cos there was the only place that had a mirror (kind of) and then cos i was wearing socks then the whole floor was so smooth then i fell when i was doing the kick thing. haha. OWCH. :0 it was really nice lah, then we brushed up on all our steps. cooooooool! after that we went to go buy clothes for dance! so coooool. we went to bugis. there was this really long top, more like a dress, that had gold sequins on it. haha so we got it. so coooooooool. i can't wait for dance! haha. dance is fun. __________________________________________ 15 December 2007
{9:26 PM} あいしてる あなたびえなへいきますか? ばか。 __________________________________________ 14 December 2007
{8:08 PM} whoooo! back from seremban. it was fun:D 1st day all of us met at the railway station! then at around 8 plus the train came. we had to wait until 9 before the train actually started moving. so played on the train and stuff, reached seremban around 3 or 4. dr lay and family were there already! patience and mercy fetched me zhiqi and janice to house of joy. then once we arrived, all the dogs came wagging their tails. so cutteeeeeeeee. MIGHTY! he seriously needs a shaving session. we met 4 new dogs, durian, victory, shalom and bibble. all st bernards! they're so cute. after that we played some tie game and then we went to have dinner and bathe. then dinner,YUM. after that we went to go for night message. 2nd day i couldn't wake up in the morning. then joanne was like: EH! 7 already! me: mhhrrhmmm. *snuggle up in blanket* we had morning devotion in our groups then breakfast. then after that we went to go pull weeds. i cannot remember how many times i got bitten by red ants. but it doesn't matter because i do it with the love of Jesus! we pulled and dumped, pulled and dumped. until lunchtime, and after that we pulled and dumped and pulled and dumped again we cleared around 20 metres of slope? until around 4. then we played captain's ball! and then water bombs. hahahaha. jolene/ivyna poured a bucket of water over me. TSK! after that was bath, then dinnerr and then the message again! it was gooood. we slept around 12 like that. 3rd day i couldn't wake up again! haha after morning devotion and breakfast we went to start scrubbing drains. scrubbityscrubscrub, and all the drains were clean! i like the 8 counting thing that kelyn and i did. after lunch we had ICECREAMMM. and then we played murderer, and after that we went to go and play captain's ball again. gurrrr, the teams were unequal! haha. after dinner was the sermon. it was really good and then after that we heard testimonies from everyone. after that dr lay asked us to stand and started praying for us. i don't know why but the main gist of the 3 messages were to love our neighbours as ourselves, forgive others and to keep our words clean. then suddenly i don't know why tears started coming down from my eyes, it wasn't an emotion-caused crying because usually if i cry by my emotions it just doesn't come out like that. i felt really guilty cos i haven't exactly been the most obedient christian in the whole world. then i heard kelyn crying too. then I DIDN'T KNOW WHYYYYY. then i started crying. then dr lay and pastor grace came and prayed for me. then i was thinking should i fall down or not? then suddenly my mind sort of went blank and then i fell down. the moment i hit the ground the tears just started flowing and flowing. and i cried and cried for a long time. i didn't even care about who was standing behind me. i just lay there, feeling absolutely wonderful. It's a certain feeling that cannot be described. I suddenly felt so loved and reassured that God was right here beside ME! and as i thought and thought and lay there, fresh tears came again. then dr lay started singing really wonderful songs God i'm in your hands God i'm in your heart In your thoughts In your mind Never let me go. though it was such a simple song, it really meant so much to me. the lyrics were so meaningful! for those who missed seremban, you really did miss a lot. it was such a wonderful wonderful peaceful sensation that i probably will never forget for the rest of my life. ahhhhhh! so i have resolved, to love others throught the love the Jesus has loved me. when they hurt me, i will try to love them, and i will forgive unconditionally. even to my worst enemies, but i don't really have any. wahhhh, joanne cry very drama ehhhh.? after that, we anyhowed danced along with patience and mercy who taught us israelite dances. cooooool. and then by that time it was already 12-1. so me joanne jialer and natalie talked and talked until 4.30. hah. wow, found out a lot of stuff. so i was so sleepy the next day. 4th day woke up quite late, and then we packed up and did morning devotion. until 8.15 then we all got our stuff and left for the station. had lots of fun on the train. played tabooo. UNCLE JEREMY STEPPED ON MY TOE! D: ouwch lah. now it hurts like mad and mad and mad. somemore i was just wearing slippers. ahhhhhhhh. i hope the nail isn't gonna come off. okay! ignore that part. it flooded in johore so the railway was full of water. the train was delayed for a while. so when we finally reached it was like, 6+? followed joanne cos my mum and dad hadn't come back from k.l yet. we had lunch with her parents then they drove me home so NICE(: hahaha, matchstick,cupcake, lihua, and cashew nut. tsk. stupid right! anywayyyy. joanne obviously enjoyed this trip lah. i am back happy and in one piece, except for my swollen toe. __________________________________________ 10 December 2007
{5:09 PM} grade 8 is overrrrrrrrrr! well as long as i pass. I SCREWED UP SIGHT READING! i forgot the entire key signature lahhhhh. DUMBDUMBDUMB. anyway, i hope i can like get at least a merit lah this is dumb. SEREMBAN TOMORROW! あなたはserembanへ行きません、私はとても愁いです。 私の願い事はあなたは行きます。 私たち去年はとても楽しい。 エスター、がんばって! if you don't understand it, you may happily not. __________________________________________ 08 December 2007
{4:14 PM} credits to steph for the quiz! 1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page18 and find line four. F#major dominant 7th arperggios 4 octaves - LCM grade 8 syllabus book. D: 2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. the monitor screen 3. What is that last thing you watched on TV? trick and treats on kids central. 4. Without looking, guess what time it is. 3pm? 5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 4.16pm 6. With the exception of your computer, what can you hear? the gush of water from the tap 7. When did you last step outside? yesterday for piano 8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at? steph's blog 9. What are you wearing? koala shirt and flowerypants0.o 10. Did you dream last night? nothing 11. When did you last laugh? can't remember. the day before yst? 12. What is on the walls of the room you are in? brown and lily white paint 13. Seen anything weird lately? rather, i heard. a woman was screaming WA! last night. 14. What do you think of this quiz? not bad. 15. What is the last film you saw? The patriot on dvd. THE WHOLE HEAD GOT BLOWN OFF! 16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? clothes. 17. Tell me something about you that I don’t know. i can fart quietly. 18. If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change? the selfishity of people 19. Do you like to dance? yes! 20. George W Bush.. American? i think he was british. George Washington was british. 21. Imagine your first child is a boy, what will you call him? Christian 22. Imagine your first child is a girl, what will you call her? Rachel 23. Have you ever considered living abroad? no! 24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates? good job on earth. __________________________________________ 06 December 2007
{6:54 PM} OMGOMGOMGOMG! i know i'm being dumb, but i am PROUD of myself okay. hah! I CREATED MY VERY FIRST nice blogskin! and it's this one. YESYESYES! this one. aren't you proud of me babyeeeee. :D and calamity is imminent. my piano exam is in 3 days time. and it's grade EIGHT. it's not cool okay. it is absolutely frustratinghairpullingirritatingstupidexasperatingdiscouraging later i go out of beat howwww? HOWWWW? nevermind. i prayed to God very badly, so he'll surely help me. and then i shall be very happy to announce the GOOOOD news. crumplerbag, here i come!:D __________________________________________ |