profile affiliates 09JH305! Adelia Althea Abigail Bindhu Chezzie Clara Clarice Deborah Denise Dylan Elvina Faith Filbert Hilary Isabel Ivyna JiaHui Jerone Jolene Kitchong Natalie Priscilla Sarah Shabbna Stephanie Tessa Tyn Yingjia Basecode letterbox memories November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 |
28 September 2008
{5:30 PM} Hahahaha shabbna is a hibernating bear enraged because she got woken up. Shab is the female version. Shabbette is the female-female version. Hahahaha,(: __________________________________________ {4:56 PM} eeeeeeeeeeeeeek. I can't stand overly-romantic posts proclaimed to the world. Preposterous. Haiyo you want to express your everlasting desires for a person can do it privately or not ah? Yes I understand that you are bursting at the seams with unabated longing for the love of your life; But, The ultimate romantic messages are best left private. How true(: I hope I don't get cheated of my money. I hope it comes here safely(: Then I will be happy(: It's just harp books okay):< Don't need to resort to fraud over a couple of harp books):< __________________________________________ 25 September 2008
{2:10 PM} Beautiful Seed- Corrinne May Break the the silence with just one word Warm the fire-started revolution One that can save the world On the steps of Washington sprinkled like confetti Thousands of people sing "We shall overcome" The preacher shouts: "Let freedom ring" He gave his life for what he believed Chorus You can be a witness You can be a prophet You can make the whole world believe Break the strongest fortress Change the way the world thinks You can build a bridge where foes can meet Hope for the future Shout it, don't whisper dreams are what make them to be There is hope in every heartbeat Tiny as it seems You're a beautiful seed She's a pastor's daughter She's only 16 But her heart and her belly are breaking at the seams Her boyfriend blames her He want to pay for the doctor to wash it away As she lays in the hospital A Christmas choir is singing About a child in a manger fragile and small "Unto us is born a Savior" She looks at her baby and cries as she sings him a lullaby Every hope, every power lies in the heart of a seed that flowers Intertwined all across the land We're all seeds in the maker's hand __________________________________________ 23 September 2008
Life Paths
{5:22 PM} I needa revise Lit, I needa revise History, I needa do my HCL book, I needa practice math. And here I am, heyho, slacking my days away! Shabbna says she wants to bury her face in the clay marble. Then I said that her face would get very dirty. HAH. Playing the harp makes me so happy, It's like a respite from all the stresses of life. (Insert choir singing here) I think I really want to consider a career in the music sector next time. I mean, what's the point of doing something you don't like to do, just for money? If you like the job alot, it won't be even considered a job anymore. And ho, you're having fun and earning money at the same time. The song a thousand miles makes me very nostalgic. Reminds me of December 2006. (: Oh welllllllllllllllllll, Do you realise that with every second that ticks past, You realise that you can never turn back the clock, That the moments of your life are passing. And nothing can turn it back. There you go, I just spent 1 minute of my life. And everyone is dying by the second. Degenerating, And rotting away as the seconds bring us closer and closer to death. I sound so morbid. I shall stop. In a flash, Almost two years have past. It seemed like it was just yesterday that I took my psle. Somehow this year passed especially fast. Even faster than last year. When you're pre-occupied, Everything seems to whiz by in a blur. Soon I'll be in Jc, In University, Start a career, Get married (idk?) Have children(idk) Go through mid-life crises, Get old, Live through the sunset years. And go to Heaven. Or I might just die somewhere in between. Ah, there I go on my morbid rantings again. But then again, If you're going to heaven, It's not such a scary thing to die is it? F.Y.I: I am not suicidal. I've always wondered what I would be like next time. My childhood was the happiest days of my life. To be more specific, Sec one was the happiest year of my life. I discovered the bliss experienced by a bride on her wedding day. Haha, Sorry to disappoint, I'm not going to elaborate :D I still love fifi(: __________________________________________ 20 September 2008
Breaking Out.
{12:22 AM} There was the seemingly innocent piece of yellowed paper. I picked it up and read it, And it still hurt. This sharp subtle stab, Once again on the wound that'd never healed fully. Layers of extra skin that had formed over the open flesh. Determined to protect itself from any other future hurts. A permanent scar, flagrant in all aspects. What keeps me hanging on? It seems like everything is alright already. But no one can truly, completely deny the existence of that once abysmal chasm, One that had us all falling into its depths of cold. Re-discovered warmth? Perhaps, Still packaged together with the bits of frost. And then I remembered why everything happened in the first place. The Purpose. The Ultimate Goal. The catalyst for my maturation. (Lit's already getting to me) I thought of Jesus; And, yet You chose to be on the side of me. I remembered when nobody cared, But You. Cold, dreary nights with my favourite music makes me like this. __________________________________________ 17 September 2008
{10:28 PM} MELODI LEE MEILI 1. You had the same psle score as me, and my JAP partner! 2. Check Yes Juliet- We The Kings 3. You love to spit out food and saliva while laughing and eating. D: 4. "I hope he remembers to bring his SPEAR!" 5. Goat HAHAHAHAHAHA 6. How come you never get a tan?! EUNICE PHUA CHOO HYMN 1. You said I was cute when I was hiding in the harp cupboard! 2. I believe I can fly - R. Kelly HAHAHA 3. Your laughter makes me smile! 4. "Feel the rain on your skin!" 5. HORSE(: NEIGH! 6. WHY YOUR HAIR SO THICK AND LONG HUH CLARA CHUA EU MEI 1. You were very cute and liked to touch people alot 2. Touch my body- Mariah Carey 3. Clara can get weirdly turned-on sometimesD:, your specs are very baby cute. 4. "Esther you smell so good" D: 5. A large lychee. 6. Why do you like touching people so much? __________________________________________ {10:18 PM} Scandalous. 8x For once in her life, Melodi looks so, serene. Wow. Wow, so hot. (: Equally hot(: I look seductive, whooh! The Mona Lisa looks shocked. Priscilla is worth 10 million dollars! __________________________________________ 16 September 2008
Sparks and Asphalt
{5:47 PM} Go on, Take what's left of me. I'm not studying, I'm blogging. I don't really want to care anymore. It's like I've run out of drive, Just mere worn-out tyres scraping themselves on the tarmac. Rubbing themselves to the core. Till there's nothing left at all. And I wonder, How much can a person take before they give out, Give up, Grind to a screeching halt. Or explode, for that matter. I've got one month left. __________________________________________ {5:42 PM} Tag, and I'll: 1. Tell you why I befriended you. 2. Associate you with a song / movie. 3. Tell a random fact about you. 4. Tell a first memory about you. 5. Associate you with an animal / fruit. 6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you. 7. In return, you must post this on your own blog. __________________________________________ 15 September 2008
{10:12 PM} Tag replies! Clara: HAHA now then you realise. And zomg hahahaha they look so hot, wow. JL: You can just google "disable right click html" and it'll come out with this whole long list of websites where you can enter to get the code, then you can put it inside your html template, then can already (: Eunice: Omgosh, I love you tooooo! Melodi: Yeah you really do look manly what, extremely masculine as well. Hahahha! Jolene: yeah, very sad ): nyehhhhh Clara: YEAHHHH I WAS SO BEANPOLE OKAY D8 Yingjia: Heyho, I was the only one unglam AUGHHHH, you ah! still "nice what?" __________________________________________ 13 September 2008
Cheryl, Love.
{7:27 PM} Cheryl Seet Hui Xin, Thank you for being my best friend together with Nuozzie, Thank you for all the fun times we've had, And everything that we've done together, us three. I'll never ever forget you, And I miss you alot alot alot alot alot alot, I miss being your partner, And I miss being around you everyeveryday. I want to say you're so lovable and cute and cuddly, There's just this warm aura being around you. You make everything seem so happy and optimistic:D I love you alot alot , I really do. Thank you for just simply being my wonderful friend. Remember the p6 photo we took when Mrs chan was leaving? Haha, we all look unglam (esp nuozzie) but, whatevers, haha! I'll remember those times always:) I know it's kinda late, haha, but, Happy fourteen, Chezzie! Enjoy breaking dawn ah. (: You'll be my great friend forever and ever. Love, Ezzie. __________________________________________ 11 September 2008
{12:35 PM} HAHAHA MELODI AND PRISCILLA ARE HOT :DDDD Photoshop rocks my socks and my frocks. __________________________________________ 09 September 2008
{10:44 PM} that overwhelming feeling came crashing back down, just like a tidal wave. Caught by the surprise of it all/, shitz i'm falling in __________________________________________ 08 September 2008
{7:39 PM} Today, I will talk about one thing that I cannot stand that people do. Yes. Just one thing. I'm am going to spill my guts. Just about; This One Thing. It's so, Revolting, Repulsive, And it kinda shows you have no sense of originality, Which is sad): I know i'm being very what la, But i really cannot take it anymore. Once upon a time, (Which wasn't very long ago) Esther was typing a sentence on her blog. Which went something like this: "I wish everything could have happened again" Or somewhere along the outlines of that sentence anyway. She then proceeded to press the fullstop button, To mark the conclusion of that post. Unfortunately, her finger hit the wrong button. Instead of a fullstop, a "/" appeared on the screen. The sentence ended up becoming like: "I wish everything could have happened again/" She was about to press the backspace to delete that typing error, Then suddenly realised that the sentence formation, though incorrect in terms of punctuation, Kinda looked cool, for a lack of a better word. She decided to hang on to that punctuational-formation, for fun's sake. As time went by, She used it on her blog, "I aspire/." Her friendster, "Whatever you think./" Her Msn, "Amour/." Her facebook. What are you doing now? "Esther is feeling apprehensive./" Somehow or rather, you could say that the slash-trend became esther's trademark. Very tragically, Esther is rather annoyed with and put off by certain people who decide to blatantly ignore the feelings of others who have by chance or by innovation created something textual through the medium of technology that is trademark of their own identity. And, er. The slash thing is kinda meant to be used under certain circumstances. Heh, Not anyhow one arh. Don't copy me lah/. __________________________________________ 06 September 2008
{8:32 PM} IT'S SO SAD OH MY GOSH SO SAD. IT'S TOO SAD TO BE TRUE. ZOMG AH PFFSSHHHHHHHH. i lost all my hits ): IT'S SO SADDDDD SIGH. walao! I'm never messing with my html again kay. ):< __________________________________________ 04 September 2008
{9:09 PM} Heyho! I'm using Safari now(: It is a nice browser. Firefox and IE seem so outdated compared to this. Heheh. ZOMG there's another web browser called Thunderbird. Thunderbird and Firefox! Hahaha. I'm kinda doing my lit homework now. How come my work is like never-ending ah!? Keep on coming in, Like some gushing tap. Education in Singapore, Tsk. Okayokay. 'The only way to get rid of your work is to do it.' Esther is off! Byebye. __________________________________________ {1:34 PM} TAG REPLIESSSS jolene: haha, yeah lah! ): JOANNE: OF COURSE LA this kind of things happen to your GREAT friend leh, of course you must have a big reaction. And i know you must be so disappointed in giraffe. Sigh, poor thing. kelyn: haha, yes(: Yay, I have been an inspiration! ivyna: YES I KNOW I ROCK SO Much, nyeheheh. Ivyna= weird + no sense of time. HAHA! JOLENE: HELLOOO!!!!!!!!!! Huiting: No leh, somehow I don't think so. Yeah :l Pris: Yay! (: I have the physical attributes of a prefect. The ability to fit a blazer nicely anyway. Jolyn: Hahaha! I kind of freaked out myself, yeah. Joanne: What rubbish! AIYAH, EIBY= Everyone Is Born Pretty. now everyone will be happy(: JOLENE: yohohoi'mcrappingdownheretoooooo Cheryl: HAHA you bookworm! -wrigglewriggle- DON'T LISTEN TO MY ADVICE HUH): < heheh, i specially chose the ones i'm not too unglam in :D you can STEALLL them, ILOVEYOUTOO.(: i can't put the heart sign cos the post will go cranky, haha. HEART. Eh must do well for eoys eyyy! Then we all can happily go out after eoys, Let's make a deal (: Ivyna: where got la! NEVER SEE THE ARCHIVES OF MY TAGBOARD. yeah i know i'm just too frequently tagged right, >:D hahaha! ivyna cannot be detective next time, tsk tsk. Melodi:Hello, hail princess lucy. Lol, haha/.HAHA LOSER YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO UNDERLINE HAHAHAHAHA. yeah i know, ZOMG, haha you are a threat to society. We suck at sms typing! aneeeways. THANKS for spamming, lol. :D Eh i just realised we both like to spam people's tagboards, heheh(: Hoochie mama D: -HEART- Clara: haha, I SEE FIRSTT! (: put up unglams of me on your blog, still dare to ask for breaking dawn! HUH?! Outrageous woman! ): < huh! i don't care about you! ): < hahaha. __________________________________________ |